I AM DELETING THIS SITE TOMORROW, so head on over to http://blogwave.net/rats for my new blog which I'll edit a lot more regularly. Enjoyed my company? Then follow me and check out my new blog! Our free podcasts full of blogging tips bought to you from 3 slightly drunken lads are up and available for free easy streams to listen to whilst you blog from http://blogwave.net. Want Google traffic tips or hundreds of other tips? Then hit up BlogWave!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

BlogWave Podcast is up!

Ok for those of you who may have missed my last post and are asking "What is exactly is BlogWave and all these great blogging tips you talk about," well you guys need to visit http://studentaroundtheworld.blogspot.com/2010/11/blogwave-huge-new-blogging-project.html to read more about what BlogWave is and how it can help you. For those that are already aware of what us dedicated and legitimate bloggers are doing, then continue reading!

OK first things first, if you're interested in great blogging tips and guides, cool gadgets or widgets, or just want to make your blog look more professional without trawling through thousand's of internet pages, then this Blogger podcast is for you! If you're a legitimate blogger and dedicated, and enjoy what you're doing, then PLEASE, I URGE you, to join our Twitter page here:


or our Facebook page here:


This way you'll be able to share the best blog tips as soon as each podcast comes out!

Onto the podcast itself:

The podcast takes just a few minutes to download depending on your internet speed, and comes to just over and hour and a half long. We cover a wide variety of topics that you can all benefit from and we try to deliver them in a light hearted, banter type of way.

Here's RorschachRedemption 's review on it:

I just listened to the whole thing, and boy are my arms tired. No wait...

Seriously? It was much much better than I expected, and I think Rats here might have the attention of more creepy octogenarians than he ever thought possible.

Ok, really REALLY serious here: If you blog, then you might want to download this. Keep it up in the background. It's not a bad maiden voyage for these 3. They are pretty easy to listen to, they are not grating on the nerves, and they fill the 90 minutes with a good blend of shenanigans and on topic stuff. The advice (usually from their mistakes!) comes in bits and pieces from their banter; I *did* find myself making a note for later. (It was to check out the popular posts widget!)


So I hope that persuades you guys to download it! Like Rorschach suggested, leave it on in the background, blog and have a few beers and enjoy it!

The file is obviously completely safe and available for download here. Even if you don't plan to listen to it JUST yet, please download it. We put a lot of effort into it and would appreciate it if you downloaded it:


So there it is guys! Leave it on in the background, learn some great tips and give us some feedback! Remember, you can also take part as a guest speaker on the blogcast, just remember to FOLLOW the Twitter page, and LIKE the Facebook page.


  1. dude yeah my blog almost looks like a fake website. need to fix that

  2. Sounds interesting man, I'll give it a listen :)

  3. Il download the podcast , good info in this blog . Props man

  4. definitely going to give this a listen

  5. Been waiting for this since your last post. Thanks a ton. Downloading!

  6. checking it out as i type, thanks for the heads up

  7. epic I will be checking out the podcast, cheers!

  8. really interesting ill check it out

  9. Cheers for this, I can't watch it until tomorrow though, internet is capped =[

  10. Going to check it out, thanks man

  11. I thought it was pretty cool myself...I don't mind the layout either of how the program tweaks it. I find it more streamlined, actually. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  12. Thats really good. It was totally worth the time.

  13. The download is safe, the facebook is great and thank you for this awesome podcast!

  14. Awesome podcast dude... keep it up.

  15. nice and very useful info.. thanks!

  16. Well, feels weird making a comment after I was quoted. I just know these things have a hard time getting off the launch pad.

    Is there going to be some sort of schedule? Weekly? 90 minutes is a lot!

  17. @Rorschach

    We do them weekly :D

    and yeah 90 minutes is a lot but it was cut down from like 3-4 hours haha!

    @Everyone else - Is anyone actually downloading the podcast because out site says you aren't...

  18. I need to do alot of improvements on my blog.

  19. ever though of hosting a radio show

  20. OH man, thats the perfect length for how long I take to check out my daily blogs.

  21. You should really download it. I now know the secret as to how Rats got a lot of followers. :D

  22. Downloading the podcast now, cant wait! Everything is looking good!

  23. I'll def have to check it out. Great post.

  24. Finished the podcast, and you guys are great. Funny and has great content. I lold so hard when you guys were talking about the spider, "with extreme boot"

  25. Nice stuff man, just need a way to spread this further. By the way how did you learn about SEO and other internet marketing tools? Do you go on blackhat or watch Frank Kearn videos or other things? I would probably like to get involved in this project sometime... Just need to get more organized I suppose ..

  26. I downloaded it from one of your buddies that posted it up first :P

    It was very interesting, I hope it's successful for you guys.

  27. you have a pretty voice ;] i may steal your idea for my blog...
