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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Strasbourg Christmas market 2010

Hello audience! As the dawning of Christmas is upon us, and I am currently living in Strasbourg, the home of all things Christmas-ey, or as they like to call it, 'The Capital of Xmas,' I thought I'd pop into town to take some pictures of La Marché de Noël.

Essentially it's everything you would expect from a typical French market. Mulled wine, pretzels, novelty hats, the real deal. I was lucky with the weather yesterday (when I took these photos) as it remained a clear sky, and fresh snow had settled everywhere the day before.

Let's crack on to the photo's of Strasbourg's Christmas market 2010!

Strasbourg Christmas decorations in the streets

More Strasbourg Christmas building decoration

Strasbourg Christmas pub

Strasbourg Christmas market 2010

Strasbourg Cathedral and xmas market

Another pub with Christmas decorations
Strasbourg market stalls

Strasbourg Snow, Cathedral, and Christmas market. This is probably my favourite picture

Some more of the Christmas stalls in Strasbourg

Mulled wine stall on the right

Again, more of the market stalls

Strasbourg's cathedral 

Another one of the cathedral and part of a stall
Strasbourg's Christmas market attracts thousands of tourists

Mulled wine

The entire town seems to get in the festive spirit when it comes to decorating buildings

Strasbourg in all its Christmas and snowy glory
Some more of the market

Every building was decorated in some way or another

More of Strasbourg's cathedral, it's architecture and some Christmas stalls

Strasbourg Marché de noel 2010
Picture came out slightly darker than itended

Just a final shot of Strasbourg's streets in the snow

Hope you enjoyed all these!


  1. Nice pictures. It looks like an amazing place to visit!

  2. Looks fun. I don't think I've ever been out of the train station in Strasbourg.

  3. “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”


    say hey gurrrrl. place looks amazing why the love hearts at xmas tho! bring me back some food ok! ps, your twitter logo gets in the way of the comments section (kind of - its kind of offputting, put it on the right instead if you can).

  4. @Mark

    Pillows are awesome D: WE R NO LONGER FRIENDS >:[

    Also it doesn't for me? Have you got the window fully open lol? Or just like minimised slightly?

  5. wow looks like the north pole... great pics!

  6. I kind of hate you right now. I can't get into the Christmas spirit anymore thanks to finals always being scheduled around this time of year.

  7. wow that cathedral looks amazing!

  8. extremely beautiful, you are very fortunate.

  9. This place looks very dolled up, also what is mulled beer or whatever?

  10. What a lovely christmas market :)

  11. This cathedral reminds me of Assassin Creed 2 :) Awesome place, you lucky guy ;)

  12. The cathedral is impressive! :O btw Strasbourg's seems like a great place to live

  13. This is a very nice blog here. I'm new myself, so tips would be appreciated!

  14. that's really the The Capital of Xmas :O
    would love to shop there!

  15. France is such a lovely country.

  16. Especially is that pillow is tempurpedic. UGH

  17. Haha the houses look so small and quaint. Such a different look compared to most cities .

  18. I know this should not make me feel this way, but now my town looks like absolute crap in comparison. :(


  19. wow, Christmas is a big thing in Strasbourg. Some of those buildings actually look like they are made of gingerbread! The cathedral is absolutely gorgeous, what a piece of architecture right there!

  20. christmas ic coming and i dont have a single present yet

  21. some of the pics look exactly like istanbul.

  22. That's so cool. I wish my town made a community effort to look christmasy during Christmas times.

  23. I can't wait til my back packing trip. Gonna be a while though... This looks amazing man, and the OP says hello!
