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Friday, 22 October 2010

The Sleep Box

Any frequent traveler would probably best understand what I’m trying to put forth here, this cool new architectural concept created by the Russian Arch Group could turn into a life saver for most of the frequent travelers and business men. This is your portal to a session of sound sleep in a city where an accommodation or the possibility of finding an accommodation for a night’s sleep is pretty low. This could pretty much revolutionise travelling.

Designed to be installed at crucial points like the Airports, central public places or any place on the map where finding an accommodation is really difficult, this may become the quite usual scene in probably a few years.

Sleep Boxes at airports

The outside of a Sleep Box

Measuring 2mx1, 40mx2, 30m in dimensions, this may sound a bit compact but believe me there is enough space inside to fit an Elephant! The cool “Sleep Cell” ( as I would like to call it) comes custom fitted with a Bed, Linen, Proper Ventilation System, Alarm, LCD T.V, Wi-Fi, space for your laptop and rechargeable phones and finally a cupboard under the bed to store your luggage in!

Free wifi and laptop could mean gaming and internet browsing WHEREVER you are! Airports and delays would never be a problem again!
Cross section

The payments to rent these Sleep Cells are made at the Airport Terminal or the respective offices who then provide the client with an electronic key that can be purchased for as small as a 15 minute power nap to all the hours you need.

Say goodbye to train station floor travellers. Man I hope this thing becomes not only popular enough to be commercial, but also relatively cheap.


  1. That is actually a really good idea. I'm impressed.

  2. looks kinda comfy and nice :D

  3. Those look sick! I hate flying, and I could definitely see myself crashing out in a chill zone like that for a few hours.

  4. looks very good :) and they are practical too

  5. They actually look comfy. They'll probably have "deluxe" version in lounges :P

  6. They look strangely easy to stack in a warehouse...

  7. hahaha that looks strangely cozy..

  8. That would be great for the 19 Kids and Counting family.

  9. wow, that is awesome. I want one of those for my house!

  10. Hm... all the hotels are full?

  11. That looks so weird but kind of interesting.. I'd like to try one out.

  12. Wow, that's pretty cool. If I ever see one of those and I got some free time I might just have to take a little nap. xD

  13. herp derp terrorist may place there a herp derp bomb. I can't see it in modern airports without monitoring...

  14. I wish I had one of these at work

  15. 2 metres x 40 _metres_ x 30 _metres_ doesn't sound "compact". The abbreviation you are searching for is "cm" (or 0.4m x 0.3m also works).

  16. I loved the idea of this, until i read Michał Sima's comment.
    It would extremely raise the number of terrorist bombings, especially here in Northern Ireland, where the bullshit new fake "IRA" has been quite active lately

  17. Damn I have Claustrophobia I cannot sleep in something like this ;D

  18. its weird but kinda reminds me of dorms in a cool way

  19. Wow those actually look comfortable!

  20. shit, all of a sudden i realize how badly i need a nap.

  21. i'm not sure if i could fall asleep in one of them^^

  22. very cool. its a backpackers dream
