I AM DELETING THIS SITE TOMORROW, so head on over to http://blogwave.net/rats for my new blog which I'll edit a lot more regularly. Enjoyed my company? Then follow me and check out my new blog! Our free podcasts full of blogging tips bought to you from 3 slightly drunken lads are up and available for free easy streams to listen to whilst you blog from http://blogwave.net. Want Google traffic tips or hundreds of other tips? Then hit up BlogWave!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

BlogWave - A huge new blogging project

What is BlogWave?

BlogWave is a project set up by myself and three other dedicated bloggers who regularly get together to share out blogging experiences. Using Skype, and other media, we share and swap our experiences, our daily adventures, but more importantly, simple guides and tips on how to make your blogs more professional. With topics such as SEO Optimisation, great gadgets and widgets for your blog, or generally how to spruce up your blog in order to make it more appealing to search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Who is BlogWave?

BlogWave is set up my four founding bloggers. As all of us work extremely hard to bring our own guides, tips and information and content that we specialise in. I strongly suggest you add and follow these three people if you want your blog to benefit from what we're doing.

The four members are:

Snickel Sox: http://averagejogaming.blogspot.com/
Frosted Heretic: http://frostedheretic.blogspot.com/
Wild Bill: http://traderspectacle.blogspot.com/

and myself.

All of these guys are active and dedicated bloggers who bring brilliant content and guides that YOU guys will benefit from, so FOLLOW them now!


We have trust finished recording and editing our first Podcast! The podcast comes to an hour and a half long, full of not only brilliant tips you guys NEED to hear, but also the light hearted banter and jokes that will keep you guys not only informed, but also entertained! Although the podcast has been fully edited to bring you an equal balance of knowledge and amusement, we are currently waiting to finish building our server before we can host it.

Can I be a part of BlogWave?<

Although we are currently not looking for any more founding members, we will be soon asking for guest speakers to come onto our show and take part in the podcast. All we ask is that you are a legitimate blogger who is willing to put in the effort to come onto our show and share some laughs and also some knowledge with us. Where can we be found?

With other projects in the works, we can currently be found either on Facebook (The box on the left hand side of my site) or here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BlogWave/163481183673557

Or on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/#!/BlogWavenet

It'd be great if you could 'Like' the FB page or 'Follow' the twitter.

If you guys have any more questions feel free to contact either myself, Snickel, Frosty or Wild Bill, or simple message the two pages above.

So remember guys, if YOU want some brilliant tips for blogging, then Follow the people listed above, and get in contact with our pages. I've provided links so there's no excuse for not making the effort!


  1. Great idea! I'll have to check it out.

  2. this is a great idea. will definitely help those who are new blogging.

  3. Well, I am definitely interested in hearing what you have put together.

  4. Sounds interesting, I'm checking them out now.

  5. Sounds great, I'll check it out.

  6. Something I'd definitely check out once fully developed. Keep us updated.!

  7. Hmm.. Interesting. Will check it out

  8. excellent idea. i'm thinking of "joining" you later, when you start to accept other bloggers. keep us informed, thank you.

  9. I'll check this out a little later. Good idea

  10. Love your idea!!! will check it out!!!

  11. Great idea mate, keep us posted!

  12. I like the blog links. Good luck with your project.

  13. Are you planning to set up a site with your own domain?

  14. Will def check it out. thanks!

  15. This is a brilliant idea. I had saw the blogwave facebook group a while back but I didn't think much of it.

    Now I know.

  16. I want in on this.
    I want to spruce up my stuffs!

  17. Great idea, I am going to check it out.

  18. Great idea dude, love the blog btw!

  19. Good idea. I need to check this out

  20. i need to check this out.. if its good might do something on it :D

  21. Holy shit, dude! I'm going to check this out! Oh, wait...

  22. Wow this is exactly what I have been looking for!

  23. love the idea and i'd love to get in on this!

  24. awsome.. Im a little new to blogging so could use a few tips :P

  25. interesting..I want a new post..:)

  26. wow i definitely want to get into this

  27. Sounds good, I'll throw you guys some follows.

  28. I just listened to the whole thing, and boy are my arms tired. No wait...

    Seriously? It was much much better than I expected, and I think Rats here might have the attention of more creepy octogenarians than he ever thought possible.

    Ok, really REALLY serious here: If you blog, then you might want to download this. Keep it up in the background. It's not a bad maiden voyage for these 3. They are pretty easy to listen to, they are not grating on the nerves, and they fill the 90 minutes with a good blend of shenanigans and on topic stuff. The advice (usually from their mistakes!) comes in bits and pieces from their banter; I *did* find myself making a note for later. (It was to check out the popular posts widget!)


  29. @Rorscach

    Dude that means one HELL of a lot to us! Thank you very very much for your kind words!

    If anyone else wants the podcast DL link it is on Frosty's page and I will be making a post with it in tomorrow!


  30. I'm glad someone is able to run a service like this, it's a big help to bloggers everywhere. Many people keep the secrets to themselves but it's great to know that there is someone we can turn to for up-to-date info. Hell, we all want to do this as a career, am I right? The potential is there! Thanks again, will definitely follow.

  31. Hmm I will give it a gander. I am always looking to attract more attention to mah blog.

  32. This is great! I just joined the facebook group and I'm looking foward to hear the podcast. Keep up the good work fellow blogger!

  33. I will definitely give it a listen.

  34. Will definitely be utilizing this new feature!! Thanks a lot for the heads up!!

    I'll tell you what I think, but Im sure it's great!! ((:

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.
