I AM DELETING THIS SITE TOMORROW, so head on over to http://blogwave.net/rats for my new blog which I'll edit a lot more regularly. Enjoyed my company? Then follow me and check out my new blog! Our free podcasts full of blogging tips bought to you from 3 slightly drunken lads are up and available for free easy streams to listen to whilst you blog from http://blogwave.net. Want Google traffic tips or hundreds of other tips? Then hit up BlogWave!

Friday, 12 November 2010

Lack of posting

Just a small post guys to let you know that I'm going to be quite inactive for the next week or two or even more.

Basically I've had to put my adventures and studies on hold for personal reasons which I do not want to post to the internet. My life is extremely difficult right now and I apologise if I seem short or rude with any of you.

In other news, our BlogWave project is coming along nicely, and we have set up a blog for it which you can find HERE.

It includes a STREAM version of the podcast full of tips and guides to make your blog look more professional, but delivered in a light hearted manner.

SO please head on over and follow that site if you're interested in what myself, Snickel Sox and Frosty are doing.

Definitely go check those guys out. They've worked incredible hard and deserve a follow or view as they've worked to bring YOU guys the tips!

Thanks in advance.


  1. It's fine, I'll still be looking for your updates but life has to past first!

  2. Rats! You're still around! I thought you gave up blogging or something because I hadn't seen you for a while?

    Unfortunately you're not doing too well at the moment so I hope things get better soon.

  3. gl with your personal stuff man.

  4. Good luck, dudeski

  5. Goddammit! I was just starting to feel the vibe what with the video action and the recent blogcast...THERE WAS SUBSTANCE, AND NOW YOU ARE LEAVING?
    Ok, so I am being greedy there; know that I will be keeping an eye out for your return.

    Hope everything turns out as best as possible for you.

  6. Life is more important than internets. Good luck with whatever is going on.

  7. such a great read! love ur blog :)

  8. hope to hear more from you..always liked your posts, keep it up

  9. We will just have to wait.. :) Deal with whatever you have to deal with first.

  10. Hope everythings going to get better for you, I am worried for you man. Glad to hear you got back to England ok though.

    - Mark

  11. Alright man. Get crap straightened out. No worries, just so long as you are still alive in a few weeks. I hope it's nothing that bad!!!

  12. Handle your business. Looking forward to new posts.

  13. Hope shit turns out ok for you dude. I'm off to check out blogwave.

  14. echoing above, life before all

  15. I must say I like the concept of the podcast. I hope we can hear from you soon.

  16. well i'll be keeping an eye out for future posts!

  17. that doesn't sound to bad for me
