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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Parts of the world you SHOULDN'T travel to

Hey guys. Just another post from me, time time in a video format as my last post was so hugely text and picture based! Although as a student who loves travelling and seeing the sights and experiencing different cultures from my own, we all know that are just some places you definately want to avoid on your travels.

So guys and girls, I present to you, Why you shouldn't travel:


  1. The cruise liner omg LOL! And who put the helicopter pilot in the plane haha

  2. *locks self in room forever and ever*

  3. Haha I wouldn't have liked to be in this liner !

  4. Now that's alot of ppl

  5. dont come to estonia, we kill people for fun

  6. O_O Going to have to make a list for sure now...

  7. WOW! You could just avoid that, like: crap in the woods, rent a bike instead of taking the metro, rent a car, walk, avoid big intersections, etc.

  8. what are you on about? that all looks like fun! :p

  9. Ack, note to self, never go to some of those places...

  10. Some of that stuff was cool except the extreme crowding.
