I AM DELETING THIS SITE TOMORROW, so head on over to http://blogwave.net/rats for my new blog which I'll edit a lot more regularly. Enjoyed my company? Then follow me and check out my new blog! Our free podcasts full of blogging tips bought to you from 3 slightly drunken lads are up and available for free easy streams to listen to whilst you blog from http://blogwave.net. Want Google traffic tips or hundreds of other tips? Then hit up BlogWave!

Monday, 21 February 2011


It's finally up!

What you say? EVERYTHING.

New server! New domain! New site!

and more importantly, the fourth podcast!


There it is! Everything we've spent ages making and putting everything into.
Just press play the play button for a free stream of our 4th blog tip filled podcast.
(Btw you can comment using your Google account i.e the one you're using now, so please do!)

Remember Twitter users, http://www.twitter.com/RatsRunThisTown FOLLOW US.

Facebook users: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BlogWave/163481183673557

I for one won't be using this blog much more as I have moved, so be sure to head over, follow http://blogwave.net and please, most importantly, listen to our podcast before you comment. None of this HURR DURR NICE PODCAST LOL stuff. We've put a lot of effort into giving your some great, drunken filled blog tips, so as you blog, listen to our FREE podcasts!