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Friday, 8 October 2010

Stephen Fry's increase traffic tip!

Ok so this isn't really one of Stephen Fry's tips on how to increase traffic to your blog, but it is relevant to him, and worked substantially well for me. Although this isn't an easy method of increasing traffic and bringing more people to your site, it is an extremely successful one!

First things first; GET TWITTER. Although a lot of people have signed up to Twitter for the pointless reason of just adding their friends, who they already have on Facebook, Twitter is actually an amazing way to stalk, I mean follow* celebrities in their daily life. Me? Personally I use Twitter to follow members of bands I love. And through it, I've found out about secret gigs or cheaper merch etc. However, it's nice just on a general level to see members of huge bands as just regular human beings. For example, Frank Carter, lead vocalist of post-hardcore band Gallows, is always Tweeting about his Kill to Death ratio on Xbox Live. It's just nice to see famous people, as well....just people.
'How is this post relevant to ME' you might be asking. 'I don't care about celebrities and their lives.' Well that's fair enough, but the long and short of it is, if you can make friends with a celebrity, the likelihood is they will Tweet your blog.Now I'm not saying that Stephen Fry (I use him as an example because he has the most followers on Twitter out of most celebrities) is going to Retweet each and everyone of your blogs. Far from it. Aim a little smaller.Now if you have been following me for while, you'll recall my post about Frank Turner (You can read it here: http://studentaroundtheworld.blogspot.com/2010/09/perfect-travel-music.html)As one of my favourite musicians ever, (Seriously I strongly urge you to check him out) I of course have him on Twitter and over the last couple of months have been Retweeting (passing in for you non Twitter users) his messages etc.Now, after Tweeting about my blog post that included a short Frank Turner review, I was shocked, yet amazed find that he had passed on my blog to his 13 000+ followers!

And has he has THIS many people following him:

My blog received a huge amount of traffic. As Frank Turner's tweets are linked to his website, I was getting several sources of traffic, and my views rose sharply!
So guys, if you're using twitter, START FOLLOWING CELEBRITIES! Be friendly with them. Banter with them. And if they're a decent bloke like Mr Turner is, then who knows, maybe one day they'll retweet your blog to!

Oh, and Justin Bieber and Britney Spears aren't going to Retweet your blogs, so aim a littttttle smaller than the big celebs!


  1. Nice tactic, if I get a twitter account I might just have to try this one. Thanks man.

  2. I might think about doing this. I mean I have a twitter account but I really don't use it.

  3. you listen to the gallows! same here! they are insane!

  4. Hmm, you may be on to something there. I mean here. I must go and ponder your advice. And who to stalk. :)

  5. @Pope

    Of course he does! I was merely using him as an example of someone with a large following

  6. Oh cool I might have to do this for some interesting reads and more traffic =D

  7. Whoa nice move. This is a good way for more traffic.

  8. Might try this if I ever get down to really setting up my twitter! Mine's pretty useless at the moment :(

  9. wow cool! awesome post!

  10. Might try. I believe the words of anyone named Fry.

  11. Smart move. Im not to used to using twitter yet sadly

  12. I just can't get myself to use twitter...I just hate it so much!

  13. Keeping up with other people who already give me consistent views on Blogspot already takes so much time >.>. Its a good thought, but I personally don't think I can juggle it.

  14. wow. nice trick. this could definitely work.

  15. Cool, got pretty lucky there

  16. nice one. maybe this will work for me too

  17. good tip. I need to get more involved with twitter

  18. Not sure if i'll use twitter that much anyway. Might try one day.

  19. Although famous people annoy the shit out of me, I enjoy being here because it feels like I'm social. So good. Good for me.

  20. I'm already on it :)

    But, shit, I hate Twitter.

  21. Dang, Probably a long process though, anyways followed :)

  22. I got it to work. Took me a while to figure it out though.

  23. I'm bad at talking with people :P so... thanks for tips but I'll stay with my small non-very-interesting blog ;]

  24. Thanks for sharing this !

  25. so there is a point to twitter? wow!

  26. I wouldn't want any traffic from Bieber anyways =)
