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Thursday, 23 September 2010

A well equipped laptop is key

Another update for you travellers out there on how to prepare not just yourself, but also your laptop before travelling. This can also apply for all you University go-ers that are heading off this week. Now, if you plan to take a form of entertainment with you, I.e A gaming console or your DVD collection then you may not find this guide as life saving, but merely as another source of entertainment.

See when most people go travelling or go off to university they automatically accept that when they arrive at their residence they will have instant internet access. However, depending on your halls/residence/hotel, it can take several days or even weeks to set up a decent internet connection.

Depending on how sociable you are or how much of internet addict you are, this may not be a problem. But if you do crave the internet and are not guaranteed a connection upon arrival, I suggest the following tips.


This was probably the biggest life saver for me. For those of you that aren't aware, Project64 is a N64 emulator. In short, it's a program available for free download that allows you to play your favourite N64 games on your laptop. The games, referred to as ROMS, can also be downloaded from a separate website.
I must have spent countless hours rejoicing my childhood moments on these games. Although the gameplay can be a little difficult to get used to at first (the fact that you laptop lacks a analog stick and you have to make  do with the direction keys), it is definately worth downloading this program.

Most games will run on just about any generic laptop, I.E you don't need to have amazing computer specs to run this program efficiently. But I do recommend you close down any programs which take up a large amount of the CPU for smoother gameplay. EG Virus scanners etc.

Project 64 can be downloaded here:


Although there are a variety of websites that boost Project64 ROMs, I prefer this site:


The program itself is dead easy and straightforward to use. Simply download the ROM ( I suggest keeping them together on a file located on your desktop) Then open up Project64,

File > Open Rom > Find Rom

It's as simple as that. You can also change the default control (Options > Controller Plug In) to suit your gaming needs.

On another note, if you do find gameplay to tedious using your keyboard, you can buy N64 controllers with USB adapters for quite cheap online these days.

That's all I have on Project64, any questions feel free to post below.


Now, to most of you this may seem like an obvious one, but depending on your suitcase space and dvd collection itself, you may be limited to bringing dvds upon your travels. For this, I recommend you try to find a way of ripping the DVD to your laptop. Failing that, download it. Although I do not recommend either of these methods as they are illegal, it can be down and there are plenty of guides on how to do so out there.

When I got bored of exploring Hyrule on Project64, I simply loaded up my favourite film, Memento, and an hour and a half soon flew by.

Last but not least, an obvious but often taken for granted:


A very simple, yet EFFECTIVE way of killing time. Not much to say about this one. Pretty much everyone know's how to play it, and it can be found by clicking Start > Games > Solitaire.

That's pretty much it from me guys. If you can think of anything I've missed then let me know! But make sure you do a bit of research before you leave guys as life without internet and be killer!


  1. i used to love nintendo 64. i think ill dl that emulator

  2. I prefer an actual n64. Best controller ever..

    smash bros, goldeneye, hang time, kart, wayne gretzsky (sp), etc.. the list goes on.

  3. n64 is meh, gotta move on and get with the times ;)

  4. Good tips for the new kids heading out. Let's just hope that those who find this, use it.

  5. This is amazing! My favorite N64 game was Space Station Silicon Valley.. Anyone heard of it?

  6. when I first found out about emulators it BLEW MY MIND. it's like a free N64!

  7. Hah luckily my internet worked right when i got to uni.

  8. +1 to PJ64. That emulator has wasted COUNTLESS hours by for me :)

  9. My computer doesn't run N64 emulators well. The grass is all black :[

  10. Your probably right on most things you have mentioned there ^^

  11. I wonder if a playstation emulator is possible too.

  12. Awesome info! I've been wanting to play the classics.

  13. wow, this post should have been called "how never to get bored, ever." I love project64, and also GBA emulators. Pokemon is my personal favorite.

  14. I live in the past playing emulators but it just isn't the same. ;\

  15. Playging too with that emulator zelda xD great games :D

  16. Thanks for the read. Looking forward to more. :D

  17. I've tried this before JUST to play Goldeneye. I didn't get it to work, but even if I had it wouldn't be the same without the N64 controller and 4 friends.

    Good times.

  18. Awesome read - I'll have to look into downloading this!

  19. gonna be headin to my parents this weekend. this will come in handy. Keep em coming

  20. I've fooled around with a few emulators, never a waste of time.

  21. I love Project 64, it's the best n64 emulator ever

  22. Emulators are so much and and omg the nostalgia is killer.

  23. as a chile who never had any console as a kid, i love to see how much great games i have missed.

  24. I never really got much into the n64, By the time I even got around to buying one it was a old thing so I gave up.
    but +1 internets for some decent tips, will be checking back for more.

  25. I used to work like 60 hours a week doing night time security. You have no idea how much time I spent playing old roms (Usually snes ones) and playing solitaire lmao. Great post though.

  26. Great tips for on the go/boredom play! :]


  27. This is so true and helpful. When I first arrived abroad the first few days were kind of boring because I was stuck in obligations but had a lot of free time scattered throughout the day. Plus I am addicted to the internet and couldn't stand having unreliable access at first D;

  28. lol i'm playing zelda just now on project64

  29. nice man! I was actually just playing legend of zelda on project64 a couple days ago. awesome emulation system

  30. i'll use the tips for my netbook. thank for the hints. :)

  31. Love project64 got a shitload of N64 games on my Laptop great to pass some time

  32. I am a avid fan of dragon warrior monsters, the ole gameboy color version
    i have the ROM for that on my macbook, thats what i play when i dont have internet or am travelling

  33. Look forward to your next update! :D I'll keep in touch.

  34. Ah yes, Solitaire, a great way to spend time.

  35. I love me my emulators. They're a nice way to play games on systems I don't have.

  36. Lololo playing Earthbound myself.

  37. Dude I've been looking for something like that Project 64..
    I need to check it out.

  38. for me, n64 emulators are all wierd, mainly because of the loss of a joystick. the best are the game boy/ snes emulators, great way to waste time.

  39. Thank you! You are a life saver!
