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Sunday, 19 September 2010

...N'oh my god

Latest update of my adventure: The spiders here are like the size of Corpsers from Gears of War. Went to lock my door this morning and on the handle was this BEAST. Body was like the size of my thumb and bigger than my fist I swear down. So after I sent it to insect hell, I went into town, but in all my crazy spider killing sesh I left the key in the lock. Ran back to room from town and thankfully the key was still there, next to giant spider corpse.

Was an actual MONSTER D:

But fear not, it's dead and buried. Well not buried but yeah, I destroyed it ;D


  1. I demand to see a picture of said monster.

  2. I did actually take a picture so will upload soon. :D

  3. haha, sucks about your adsense though :(

  4. That sucks, but your stories are entertaining to say the least. :D

  5. save it and use it to start an army

  6. what did it drop? any good loot?

  7. Saw a spider like that in my back yard. Went out to feed the dogs, and it climbed down the wall and the body was like the size of my thumb and it just ran under the dog's shed. Shame the dogs never saw it or it would have been eaten.

  8. Hope you sprayed a whole can of spray on that mother

  9. Picture of it here:


  10. Saw the picture - pretty cool beastie you killed man.
