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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The best way to learn a language?

Just thought I'd provide a little update on perhaps the best way to learn a language. Now obviously this varies from person to person. Some prefer hours and hours of countless grammar revision and making notes, others prefer attending university lectures and studying their asses off. Me?

I prefer going to bars and simply speaking the language with the locals. See my problem, is I have a complete lack of confidence. I tend to other think things, and become incredibly nervous when I have to speak French. However, after several drinks, alcoholic for Dutch courage of course, I find my nerves disappear and speaking French becomes so much more easier.

BIG TIP: If you make the effort, so will they. The French here appreciate the fact that although I'm English, I am complete alone in their country and speaking their language. Because of this I have had so many free shots of alcohol it's unreal. So try it guys. Go to a bar. Meet the locals. Speak French the way they do, and soon you'll find that as you become more confident, the ability to speak and foreign language to the natives is a lot easier.

Apologies if there are any spelling mistakes, I've been 'using' this method today, and after several shots of free Patis (A well known French liquor,) I do feel slightly drunk ;D


  1. Reminds me of the time i was at a bar in Amsterdam and a guy from Oregon was there..Suddenly i spoke fluent english :P...
    But thanks for the tip..and..Have another beer mate! :D

  2. nice tip! i'm also trying to learn french. too bad i can't talk to somebody here.

  3. Im trying to learn russian. Its mandatory. But no success...

  4. That's pretty cool. Free shots are always good.

  5. rosetta stone is useful, i'm going to learn russian through it.

  6. I suck at learning new languages

  7. i go next door and speak what little Spanish i know and get free tequila ...

  8. Awesome, I'm going to have to remember this when I go traveling :P

  9. drinking alcohol seems to help a lot of different things.

  10. yep, alcohol can be a tool for relaxation.

  11. Aint nothing wrong with being drunk

  12. Thanks for the insightful comments on my last blog post!

  13. im now more drunk than I was at 16:06 yay

  14. Well I successfully learned japanese which was quite hard but was worth it in the end.

  15. I like the method where someone takes the time to teach me. Anything where there is immersion.
