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Monday, 20 December 2010

I'm famous! CNN story on England's flight cancellations.

So sat in my hotel room watching CNN about the snow situation in England and I decided to Tweet the news reader, explaining that I was a 20 year old traveller that just wanted to be back home in England for Xmas.

Sure enough, sat here on blogger, browsing the net as you do, and CNN reports news about 'Europe experiencing huge flight delays and cancellations,' And explains about Heathrow and Gatwick runway closures.

Sure enough, he then says 'Steve from the UK Tweets that...' and reads out my situation.

Was pretty weird to hear myself being mentioned on national television.

Those who want my autographs let me know ;D

Rats Out!


  1. LOL nice, can i get your autograph please sir?.

  2. A lot of people don't realize that Steve is actually responsible for those delays by using his laptop in the airport to retro-game.


  3. Get yourself a gun and go on a murderous rampage. That way you can watch yourself on all the news programmes.

  4. Haha, I've been on the radio twice and got interviewed at school too but I never saw myself on TV. Guess I shouldn't had messed around with the guy haha

  5. you use twitter? couldn't tell from the little widget that follows me down the screen :)

  6. That must have been pretty exciting to hear. I get happy just when I hear my town get mentioned outside of local news lol.

    I hope you can make it back home before Christmas though.

  7. woww thats awesome hahaha. I should start tweeting

  8. Led on by heaven, and crownd with joy at last: Following!

  9. One day I'll have my 15 seconds...one day.

  10. haha thats pretty awesome...ill take an autograph

  11. Sweet, you are the most famous blogger I know! Here, step into the back, I'll let you sign my...

  12. I bet it was very cool to hear your own tweet on CNN, you should have recorded that :)

  13. Good for you mate ;-) Im jealous now

  14. How that's is so cool ! Congratulations man, you're famous !

    BTW where could I get that kind of twitter button ?

  15. Ha, that's pretty awesome. I'd also like to say I was your 1000th profile view, so congrats on that as well!

  16. Can I have your eAutograph good sir? =)

  17. lulz u must haves some connections :P. i want snow really bad here in south carolina...

  18. That's actually pretty awesome, dude. If only it would snow here. Then I'll tweet the news and tell them there's snow falling by my house here in the south!!! I can imagine in now: Cameras everywhere, fake snow falling, my name everywhere!!

  19. Haha, I love that feeling when you know heaps of people are seeing your name on TV. Even if you know they don't care; I still feel like a proud father.

  20. That's neat, I've never experienced anything like that!
