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Sunday, 10 October 2010

Strasbourg Cathedral

Hey guys. I know a lot of you like photography, (this is hardly photography, just photos I've taken with a standard digital camera) so I thought I'd upload some pictures of the beautiful Cathedral in Strasbourg city centre. It's an absolutely incredible piece of architecture and I just thought I'd take some photo's so again, I could make my adventure seem even more realistic to you readers. I am sharing my experiences DIRECTLY with you guys :)

Any fool can just Google pictures, but these are taken from my point of view. Nothing fancy here. Just a standard 7 Megapixel camera.

Check them out! 

EDIT: Was just informed by The Lazy Geographer that this was 'Tallest building in the world until 1874, a record it held for over 200 years, and it's still the 6th tallest church in the world.'

It's an incredible spectacle in person. It's honestly over whelming.

Hope you enjoyed! 


  1. yes I did enjoy this very much.

  2. overwhelming? I can feel it just by Your photo shoots.

  3. Wow, it's amazing. I hope to go there someday.

  4. I would love to go there and draw this

  5. good job here!

    you just inspired more bubbles on "Enhanced by MS Paint"... check it out!

  6. Tallest building in the world until 1874, a record it held for over 200 years, and it's still the 6th tallest church in the world.

  7. @Lazy Geog.

    Thanks very much for the info! Just add those details (credited you of course) to the photos

  8. Damn, those are pretty impressive pics for just snapping some shots with a regular camera, keep it up man.

  9. You're welcome for the factoid. I'm chock full of useless trivia like that for some reason.

  10. this post made me open my eyes and stop squinting!!!

  11. It's amazing how much detail they put into it. Nice pictures!

  12. Wow! What a truly beautiful building!

  13. awesome post, bro! waiting for MOAR

  14. I can't look at this enough. such a great photo

  15. Gorgeous. Great pictures. The cathedral is so detailed...amazing.

  16. Wow, great pictures. I love pictures of cathedrals. They're always so amazing.

  17. cathedrals architecture are really awesome.
    the details are very intricate.

  18. I feel small just looking at the photos. Then seeing the tops of heads on the bottom, well...then I felt REALLY small.

  19. wow ... just wow! the fact that this was built hundreds of years ago only makes it more impressive

  20. thanks for the comments on my blog!

  21. wow.
    i have no idea what to say, that is just amazing.
    "priceless, beautiful work of art" just doesn't seem like enough.
